10 Tantric Sex Secrets to Awaken Your Passion and Intimacy

Sex is one of the most intimate experiences shared between two people. However, with time, couples can lose the spark that once ignited their physical and emotional connection. Enter tantric sex – an ancient Hindu tradition that focuses on spiritual and intimate connection, rather than just physical pleasure. With its emphasis on mindfulness, breathing, and delayed gratification, it has helped thousands of couples reignite the flame in their relationship.

In this blog post, we’ll explore ten tantric sex secrets that can help you connect deeper and awaken your passion and intimacy.

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1. Breathwork

In tantric sex, breath is everything. Deep, controlled breathing brings awareness and induces relaxation in the body and mind. By practicing breathing together, partners can synchronize their rhythms and create an erotic flow of energy. As you inhale, focus on expanding your belly, and as you exhale, contract it. Breathwork also helps overcome preconceived notions of sex and aids in staying present in the moment.

2. Eye contact

Eye contact is powerful. It’s an expression of trust, intimacy, and vulnerability. It’s easy to get lost in the moment during sex, but engaging in eye contact can help you maintain presence and connection. It deepens the trust between partners and helps them tune into each other’s needs and desires.

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3. Build anticipation

In tantric sex, the build-up is essential. Take time to tease and explore new erogenous zones, use different types of touch, and experiment with different positions. You can also use props like feathers or blindfolds to heighten the sensations further. Pay attention to your partner’s body language and be receptive to their cues.

4. Mindful masturbation

Masturbation is usually a solo activity, but you can also use it as a tool to connect with your partner. By masturbating in front of each other, partners can learn more about each other’s bodies and desires. This practice also helps overcome shame and insecurity surrounding sex.

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5. Focus on sensations

Tantric sex is about feeling, not just doing. It’s essential to tune into your body and focus on the sensations during sex. Pay attention to the pleasure and explore different sensations, like tingling or warmth. This experience helps partners connect deeper and cultivates a sense of mindfulness.

6. Experiment with positions

Tantric sex is not about sticking to a script or a particular set of positions. Explore different positions that feel comfortable and natural for both partners. You can also try different positions to increase or decrease stimulation, leading to multiple waves of pleasure.

7. Practice non-sexual touch

Sex is not the only type of touch that creates intimacy. Non-sexual touch, such as hugging, cuddling or holding hands, also stimulates the release of oxytocin – the ‘love hormone’. Incorporating non-sexual touch outside of sex helps cultivate feelings of love and bonding, which enhances intimacy during sex.

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8. Delayed gratification

In tantric sex, delayed gratification is key. Rather than rushing towards orgasm, couples should savor the journey. Slow down, take a break, and explore each other’s bodies. This practice helps develop awareness and appreciation for each other’s sensual energies. It also allows for more prolonged periods of pleasure and deeper emotional and physical connection.

9. Engage all the senses

Sex is not just about physical touch; it’s about engaging all the senses. Experiment with scents, tastes, and sounds during sex. Use candles or incense to create a relaxing atmosphere, incorporate food play or massage oils, and use noise-cancelling headphones and music to amplify the sounds of sex.

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10. Maintain communication

Good communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, and it’s no different in tantric sex. Open up about your desires and boundaries, check-in with your partner during sex, and express your gratitude and appreciation. This practice helps develop a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and desires, leading to more fulfilling and intimate sex.


What is tantric sex?

Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu tradition that focuses on spiritual and intimate connection, rather than just physical pleasure. It involves mindfulness, breathwork, delayed gratification, and exploring different types of touch, sensations, and positions.

How can tantric sex improve my relationship?

Tantric sex helps couples connect deeper on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It can reignite the spark in a relationship and enhance intimacy, trust, and communication. Practicing tantric sex also helps dissolve preconceived notions about sex and sexuality, leading to more fulfilling and satisfying sex life.

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Do I need to be in a long-term relationship to practice tantric sex?

No, tantric sex can be practiced in any kind of intimate relationship. It’s not restricted to long-term partners or married couples. The emphasis is on emotional and spiritual connection with your partner.

What if my partner is not interested in practicing tantric sex?

Tantric sex is not for everyone, and that’s okay. It’s important to respect your partner’s boundaries and interests. However, you can still practice some of the principles of tantric sex outside of sex, like breathing together or engaging in non-sexual touch.

Do I need to be experienced in yoga or meditation to practice tantric sex?

No, previous experience in yoga or meditation is not necessary to practice tantric sex. However, a willingness to explore your body and mind and develop emotional and spiritual connection with your partner is crucial to the practice.

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