
Prostitution is one of the oldest jobs in the world, and it is still prevalent today. Despite governments’ efforts to curb prostitution through different measures, it still remains a viable business to a large extent. Escorts or sex workers are a subset of prostitution that involves consensual sex between adults for money. However, it is no secret that escorts face violence in their line of work. This epidemic is a significant issue globally, and understanding why escorts face such brutality is essential.

Section 1: The Prevalence of Violence Against Escorts

Escorts around the world face violence at an alarming rate. In America, it is estimated that escorts have a mortality rate 18 times higher than other people of the same age and gender. Similarly, in 2016, the UK government conducted a study where over 70% of sex workers reported facing violence while at work. These stats show that violence is a common occurrence for escorts, and it needs to be addressed urgently.

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Section 2: Attitudes Towards Escorts

Society’s general perception of escorts is negative, which leads to escorts being marginalized and dehumanized. This attitude makes it easier for people to harm sex workers. They are victimized because they are looked down upon, and their work is considered immoral.

Section 3: The Stigma of Escorting

Society’s stigma attached to escorting has real-life consequences for sex workers. Many people believe that escorts do not deserve the same rights and protections accorded to others. The stigma attached to escorting also makes it challenging for sex workers to report violence, get healthcare or seek legal recourse.

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Section 4: The Lack of Legal Protection

Escorts work in an environment where they lack legal protection. They can be arrested or punished for merely doing their job. This lack of legal protection protects the perpetrators of violence while leaving the escorts vulnerable.

Section 5: Drug Use and Abuse

Drug use and abuse plague the escort industry. Many sex workers turn to drugs to cope with their harsh working environment. These drugs make them vulnerable to exploitation and violence, leading to a vicious cycle that’s hard to break.

Section 6: Opportunistic Criminals

There are always opportunistic criminals looking for vulnerable targets to exploit. Escorts are an easy target for these criminals, who use their profession to take advantage of and hurt them.

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Section 7: Client Expectations

Clients’ expectations are another major cause of violence against escorts. Many clients believe that paying for sex also gives them control over their behavior and actions. This entitlement leads to an environment where they can be abusive or violent.

Section 8: Lack of Support Services

Escorts have limited access to support services, which forces them to rely on themselves to deal with the violence they face. Such lack of resources perpetuates their vulnerability, making it challenging to escape harmful situations. It also puts them at risk of being exploited by others.

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The epidemic of violence against escorts is a global problem that needs to be addressed. The reasons why escorts face violence are varied and complex, but society can take measures to reduce this epidemic. Authorities need to recognize that escorts have the right to work in a safe environment and ensure they have access to legal protection and support services.


1. Why do escorts face violence?
Escorts face violence due to societal attitudes, stigma, lack of legal protection, drug use, client expectations, and the presence of opportunistic criminals.

2. How common is violence against escorts?
Violence against escorts is high, with an estimated mortality rate 18 times higher than others of the same age and gender, and over 70% report violence in the workplace.

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3. What is the stigma attached to escorting?
Society’s stigma attached to escorting dehumanizes the workers and makes it challenging for them to access legal protection, healthcare and report violence.

4. Who exploits vulnerable escorts?
Opportunistic criminals exploit vulnerable escorts for personal gain, and clients can also be abusive or violent due to entitlement to control over their behavior.

5. What is the solution to reduce violence against escorts?
Authorities need to recognize that escorts have the right to work in a safe environment and ensure they have access to legal protection and support services. Society must also work to remove the stigma attached to escorting and change their negative attitudes towards escorts.

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